Reviewing Communications

Follow the steps below to review communications and mark them as relevant or non-relevant.

  1. Navigate to the Communications module.
    • The communications will be displayed in the following categories:
      1. By Date
      2. By User
      3. By Status

  2. Choose whichever category you would like (By Status is recommended for this process).
    • The communications will load in the grid.
  3. Select a communication in Pending status.
    • The communication’s details will load in the metadata pane.

  4. Click on the pdf file shown in the metadata pane to review the communication.
  5. Press either the Relevant or Non-Relevant button at the bottom of the metadata pane as appropriate. See the screenshot below.

  6. If you choose ‘Relevant’ you are indicating that the system should generate a new document for the study room using this file. As such, you will be required to apply required metadata in the ‘New Document Profile’ window.

  7. When you are done applying metadata to the document, press ‘Finish.’