Creating Tasks

Tasks are a way to set reminders for yourself and your team and for tracking the completion of study-related activities. Users who have the Assign Tasks action on their user profile can assign tasks to other users in the room.

To create a task, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Tasks module via the Navigation Grid in the top-left corner of the screen.
    • Any previously created tasks will appear in the index panel.
  2. Press the ‘Add’ button above the index pane.
    • This will open the ‘Create Task’ window.

  3. Fill in any relevant information.
    1. Most tasks will be created with a 0% completion but the field is editable in case you need to create a task for an activity that is already in progress.
    2. If necessary and you have the action on your user profile, assign the task to the correct room user(s).
  4. Press ‘Save’ when done.