Method 1

  1. Click on the Product name to edit which will then open the Product Details screen.

    Figure: Select a product to edit
  2. On the Product Details screen, click on the Edit (pencil) icon.

    Figure: Product Details screen
  3. Make the required edits in the Product Information section along with the following.
    1. Change Status:
      1. Click on Change Status.
      2. On the Change Status screen, update the Status*, and Status Date* and enter notes if required.
      3. Once the required changes are made, click on Change and the respective status-related field will be updated with the latest status, date, and notes if any.

        Figure: Change Status
    2. Status History:
      1. Click on the Status History icon.
      2. On the Status History box, the user can view the status change trail.

        Figure: Status History
    3. Regulatory Identifiers
      1. Click on the Regulatory Identifier edit (pencil) icon
      2. Click on +Add to add a new Regulatory identifier

        Figure: Add Regulatory identifiers
      3. In the Key field, select the required value from the available dropdown options.
      4. Enter the suitable value in the Value field.
      5. Once the required details are added, click on Save

        Figure: Add a value to the Key and Value fields
      6. Click on the checkbox for the newly added Regulatory Identifier and click on Save.

        Figure: Save the new Regulatory Identifier
  4. Once all the details are edited/updated, click on Save

Figure: Save the edited/updated product details