Defining Sponsor Settings
To navigate to the “Sponsor” list and view all global sponsors, follow these steps:
- Click on the "Sponsor" tab located in the navigation link on the left side of the screen.
- This action will redirect you to the "Sponsor"
grid view where all Sponsors at the global level are displayed.
- Navigate to the sponsor’s name you want to edit and click
on it. This opens the “Sponsor
Details” window.
- Click on the “Setting” button in the top-right of the screen. This will redirect you to the “Sponsor Settings”-> Milestone Template’s” screen.
- Click on the Edit button for the milestone you
want to edit.
Note: The Milestone Templates that display a ‘Draft’ status can be edited.
- This opens the Edit Milestone Template window.
- As per the requirement, the user can make necessary changes in the milestone templates.
- Click Save for the changes to apply.
Note: To learn more about Milestone Templates functionality. For Example: How to Add, Delete, Publish, Copy and so on. Refer to the Milestone Template section. Click Here.