Defining Sponsor Settings

To navigate to the “Sponsor” list and view all global sponsors, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Sponsor" tab located in the navigation link on the left side of the screen.
  2. This action will redirect you to the "Sponsor" grid view where all Sponsors at the global level are displayed.

  3. Navigate to the sponsor’s name you want to edit and click on it. This opens the “Sponsor Details” window.

  4. Click on the “Setting” button in the top-right of the screen. This will redirect you to the “Sponsor Settings”-> Milestone Template’s” screen.
  5. Click on the Edit button for the milestone you want to edit.

    Note: The Milestone Templates that display a ‘Draft’ status can be edited.

  6. This opens the Edit Milestone Template window.

  7. As per the requirement, the user can make necessary changes in the milestone templates.
  8. Click Save for the changes to apply.

Note: To learn more about Milestone Templates functionality. For Example: How to Add, Delete, Publish, Copy and so on. Refer to the Milestone Template section. Click Here.